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MT-SV生產線分散系統The sterile manufacture of pharma, cosmetic, food and life science requires dispersing technology especially designed for process safety and quality.
MT-VPR / MT-VPC中試或大型生產線粉末吸收及分散系統The patented system (EP 1674151B) includes at present various sizes with a throughput from approx. 1000 l?/?h to 70?000 l?/?h – related to water and depending on the u
立式分散系統MEGATRON® MT machines are inline homogenizer that force the product through a work chamber with integrated rotor?/?stator disperser generators and processes it.
MT-SHS 中試分散系統 Our newly developed MEGATRON® MT-SHS Pilot Plant unit is able to produce rotor tip speeds of 65?m/s and shear rate of 300?000 s-1.
MT-MM 在線薄膜乳化設備The MEGATRON® MT-MM stands out due to the following advantageous qualities compared with conventional emulsifying methods.